I'm just slightly behind in blogging due to life, but better late then never right?!
Newborn: February 22nd, 2011
Could you please pray for me these next couple of weeks. I'm starting to have a very hard time with the idea that everything is going to change again next week and it feels like my heart is being ripped out of my chest again (like it was when I had to go back to work after I had Julia). Our family time will be less, my one on one time with each of the kids will be less, my social time with friends and family will be cut back, my stress level will go up about 75%. All of the above sounds so negative. I hate sounding negative. I need to consistently remind myself that atleast God has provided me with a job to return to. That I have a job I love 95% of the time and have awesome co-workers and usually a pretty flexible schedule. Sunday's message hit me right where I needed it. It was about allowing God to use me for His glory. I am in a job that helps people transition through the process of death and dying. Not many people have this opportunity and I should be grateful for the position God has put me in to use me for Him. I just need to remember to let Him shine through me and be active in looking for ways to glorify Him.
Jaxon Troy! Sweet little chubbers! :D
So... "a little behind..." Does that refer to you being a little behind time-wise or to the new little diapered behind living in your house? ;D
You are in my prayers, Jennalee. I felt that same way through much of the time I worked outside the home.
Your job as a hospice nurse is a very unique opportunity to see a process of life that only a few even think about, let alone experience until they are there. I pray God will give you a renewed sense of purpose in your work, and lots of comfort with working away from the kiddos. At least you know they are in the best hand, other than your own!
Praying for you, sister!!! My heart hurts for you. :( but then again, I have been super emotional lately!! hang in there.
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