So tomorrow I think we're going to try taking Julia to church with us. He spots are mostly gone now. She's not contagious...she can just pick germs up easier. She won't be able to play with her little friends in the nursery but we also know that we can't protect her from everything forever. Plus she's going nuts here at home...distroying our home by dragging EVERYTHING out of closets and drawers :-) I just hope that she does well. We won't know until we try I guess.
Judgement House started this week. How AMAZING is God?! People have come to know the Lord every night so far! God is soooo good and to see Him work in all different situations stops me in my tracks. Please pray for all those walking through JH that God's will would be made clear to them and their hearts would be softened to His word. Also if you could pray for strength and health for the actors as some are getting sick with the flu while others are very sore from the roles they play (being thrown around, carpet burns, lifting etc).
Dad's shingles are healing slowly which is a blessing. So thankful that they weren't worse then what they were and so far no one else in our family has gotten them.
Happy weekend to you!
In defense of the nursery, I know the workers really do try to put toys put in the mouth into the "wash" bin. I know germs can still spread, but they also do in Wal-mart or anywhere you go. We do try hard. Hope you enjoy church tomorrow and we will look forward to having Julie back someday in the nursery!! We miss you guys! On another note, I am totally pumped with Judgement House too! God is working!!
I'm so sorry, I didn't mean at all for it to sound like the nursery isn't a safe place. All the workers do a great job of making sure toys stay clean, it is so much cleaner there then at any other place. I'm not brave enough to try walmart with her probably until next spring...seriously! I editted it, hopefully it sounds better. See you in a little bit...
We had Gretchen at church with us this morning, too. Corey was concerned about all the people and the number of germs. I told him we can't keep her in a bubble and we can't protect her from everything. Hope your morning went well!
It was great to see Julia in church today! Hopefully it gave her some needed social time that will help her not be so stir crazy. :-)
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